
Hero Selection Monsters Area Waterfall Animals Town Area

Well , i see that some people is asking how to open the gate with 5 blood key.
I am going to make a tutorial now.
1.Collect the Blood Key (Part 1,2,3,4,5)from Dungeon
2.Put the Blood Key on the Symbol that i showed in the picture
3.The key must follow by the part ,example:Part 1 must put at the Gate1, Part 2 must put at the Gate2 ......and keep doing this , the Silver Moon Key will appear infront of the door
4.Well,of course you can put to the symbol immediately after you get the key , you don't have to collect all from the dungeon and put it together.

Some Usable Commands in the Map:
-clear ( To clear all system message )
-ms ( To check your current movement speed)
-cam 80 to -cam 130 ( Enable you to adjust your camera distance)
-debug ( If your unit is paused , screen keep shaking or your movement speed or something are can type this command and try to fix it )
-unstuck(If you are stucked in somewhere after you using an ability you can type this command and teleport back to the 1st town in 3 minutes)

If there is any suggestion or bugs you can message to me ^^!!

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