
Hero Selection Monsters Area Waterfall Animals Town Area

First,i felt very very sorry to the people who had waited for the map with a long time....
Sorry because I have to study for my exam
Well , finally i had done the map!

This is a beta test version,if you have any suggestion or any bug you can send me a message so i can try to solve and the bug and improve the map with your suggestion!

Beta Test Version:The weapons [Passive Ability] only work for Newbie Weapons and some special weapons dropped from bosses.
The [Passive Ability] or [Active Ability] of the weapons will be added on Version 0.01 of the Map!

Hope you all enjoy the map "Sword Art Online:Infinity Adventure"!
Let's begin your own adventures with your friends!
Presented by crazyyx98

The link is here :
Dungeon Door Bug Fixed
YUI Ultimate Skill Bug Fixed(Maybe xD)
Fixed The annoying sound of TING TING TING
Bags are now available to take same type of items.

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